Hour 1
- Nathan Hudson’s music for falling/flying.
- Brandee Younger’s Essence of Ruby.
- Daniel Bjarnason’s From Space I saw Earth.
- Several selections by Kaija Saariaho: three movements from Sept Papillons, Miranda's Lament, Terrestre, and Nocturne.
Composer Kaija Saariaho (photo credit Andrew Campbell).
On the next Modern Notebook with Tyler Kline we pay tribute to groundbreaking Finnish composer Kaija Saariaho, who passed away on June 2nd. She forged new paths in working with color and texture in contemporary music, and we’ll hear a brief survey of her work on this week’s show.
Then, Cassie Wieland says her solo piano work “HYMN” is all about connection in a big way: for example, reading through handwritten sketches with the pianist at her apartment, or working on piano preparations together. It’s music that merges modern classical sounds with electronic processing within an evocative and colorful soundworld.
Also featuring music by Nathan Hudson, Brandee Younger, Nicolas Lell Benavides, Clara Iannotta, and others; and performances by Iceland Symphony Orchestra, violinist Jennifer Koh, harpist Ashley Jackson, flutist Claire Chase with International Contemporary Ensemble, pianist Vicky Chow, Khemia Ensemble, Aperture Duo, and more.
Hour 1
Hour 2
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